We are the solution

We are the answer to the call for effective and technologically advanced solutions based on customer requirements

About us

As each good thing begins with a dream, so did the foundation of LoveIT. The dream of founding a company that will value customer and employee satisfaction over profit generation become a vision. This vision was realised in 2017 , when the foundation was laid by two IT professionals with more than decade long experience in software development process. Soon after the creation, LoveIT managed to establish successful cooperation with trend setting partners in banking, SDLC and telecommunication domain. Out team grow slowly but steadily as we value quality over quantity. Satisfaction and good customer relations are LoveIT’s priority. This is the only way to gain potential and develop further. The variety of customers and the variety of their needs is a challenge for us, which we always accept with enthusiasm.

Our services

Custom Development

From single-purpose applications to complex systems. We analyse your requirements. We identify hidden dependencies. We propose solution alternatives and implement the resulting product based on the latest trends and standards. Whether it is agile methodologies or classic management, we guarantee satisfaction with the delivered output. Entrust your project in our hands and we will reliably take it through its entire life cycle to successful deployment and subsequent operation.

Bodyshop and Team leasing

You have an idea, we have the right people. In today’s era of shortage of IT professionals, it often happens that despite resources and ideas, project implementation is delayed. Use the time and money you have and invest it in creating value, not in finding people. We will be happy to provide you with skilled people with extensive knowledge of technology and experience according to your needs.


Do you need advice on questions related to ICT? Is your IT project short of seniors? We will provide you with experts in the field of ICT with high-quality education and many years of experience. People who have worked on various projects, where they encountered a wide range of problems that arise. They will help you to overcome obstacles, aid you decision and provide you with expert opinion.

What is PriceFx?

Pricefx is a pricing framework that gives a company competitive advantage in price creation, modification and planning.   Hidden behind the robust and scalable frontend is a cutting edge technology consisting of algorithms libraries, artificial intelligence, modifiable rule engine that offers you best Return of Investment in the market today.

What LoveIT mean in PriceFx universe?

LoveIT is a certified implementation partner,  that enjoys a successful cooperation with PriceFx since 2019. With our growing implementation team consisting of Certified Configuration Engineers and Solution Architects, we have been an integral part in delivering major project that defined the market success of PriceFx framework.

What LoveIT can do for you?

We are able to lead you thought the whole process of gathering requirements, proposing a solution and implementing it within the PriceFx framework. We will support, safeguard and improve your running project. Our expertise will be a vital point in your success.  Do not hesitate to contact us vie e-mail: Info@loveit.sk



Correspondence address:

  • Love IT s.r.o.
  • Bernoláková 7
  • Stupava 900 31

Legal Identification:

  • Business ID: 50700979
  • Tax ID: 2120438947
  • VAT Reg. No.: SK2120438947

Company policy:

Poskytnutím Vašich údajov zaslaním vyplneného formulára súhlasíte so spracovaním Vašich osobných údajov na účel vybavenia požiadavky o poskytnutie informácií týkajúcich sa prevádzkovateľom (Love IT, s.r.o., IČO: 50700979) poskytovaných služieb, ďalej za účelom vedenia databázy takýchto otázok alebo dopytov a kontaktovania dotknutej osoby, a to na dobu troch (3) rokov. Poskytnutý súhlas môžete kedykoľvek odvolať zaslaním e-mailu na adresu info@loveit.sk. Odvolanie súhlasu nemá vplyv na zákonnosť spracúvania vychádzajúceho zo súhlasu pred jeho odvolaním. Informácie o podmienkach spracúvania Vašich údajov nájdete na tomto linku.

//By submitting your data, you agree to the processing of your personal data for the purpose of processing the request for providing the information related to the services provided by controller (Love IT, s.r.o., Business ID: 50700979), further for the  purpose of maintaining a database of such questions or inquiries and contacting the data subject, for a period of three (3) years. You can revoke your consent at any time by sending an email to info@loveit.sk. Withdrawal of the consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing resulting from the consent prior to its withdrawal. Information on the conditions of processing your data can be found here.